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Monday, March 24, 2014

Jayden's first fire

Jayden is trying to finish up some Webelos Scout requirements before his birthday.  One of the things he needed to do was to start a fire and cook a meal over it.  So, we decided make it a family affair!  The day we went ended up really windy, so we brought our tent trailer along so I could hang out in it with Brynn.  We went to Payson, at the mouth of the canyon, set up the trailer, and then John & Jayden started a fire.  They roasted hot dogs over it and we had lunch.  Then the boys shot BB guns, we cleaned up and headed home.  It made me excited to use our trailer this summer!  I can't wait for warmer weather!

Here are some pics of our trailer and the boys making lunch:


 I love this big couch!  This was my main requirement in
a trailer and I LOVE it!  Plenty of room to sit
 Our little sleeping beauty!

 Jayden's first fire!

 Gathering wood

7 months old!!!

Brynn just turned 7 months old!  In some ways I can hardly believe it's been seven months, and in other ways it has gone by somewhat slowly.  I am really struggling to keep up with 4 kids.  I think 3 was my limit...  So, this blog has been seriously neglected...  But, better late than never! 

So, about Brynn.  She is super chubby!  She is super cute!  The kids are really in love with her and are always commenting on little cute things she does.  About a month ago, she learned to sit up by herself!  It is nice because she really hates laying down.  But, now that she can sit up, she wants to stand...  She just got 2 more teeth, so now she has 4 chompers.  Those last two were seriously a NIGHTMARE!  I am dreading her getting any other teeth.  She still hates baby food.  She has finally learned how to swallow, but her latest trick to get me to stop feeding her is to clench her jaw shut.  When I manage to get the food past her gums, she will also swat at the spoon so baby food flips everywhere.  I am now thinking that maybe we'll try again when she starts Kindergarten!

We have decided that Brynn is the most stubborn 7 month old ever.  She will ONLY eat when it's on HER time.  Even if it's been 3 hours (which is normally when I feed her), if she isn't really hungry, a.k.a. screaming, she WILL NOT eat.  She rarely will eat for my cousin Kim who babysits for us.  She will go 5 hours at her house and refuse to eat.  I have no idea why she is so chunky!  I blame the stubbornness on Johnathan  :)

Some things that Brynn loves: her sister, usually her brothers (but mostly her sister... don't tell the boys though), her bed, sitting up, her toys (only for about 15 minutes), splashing in the tub, having mom and dad carry her around everywhere.

Things that Brynn hates:  getting teeth, church, being set down, eating baby food, the pencil sharpener sound, church, getting dressed, laying down, did I mention church?

Miss Brynn

Right before Christmas, Brynn turned 4 months old!  She is growing so fast.  Recently, she learned to roll over and does it all the time.  Typically she rolls onto her tummy and then gets mad so we have to roll her back.  Then she does it again.  The kids think it's hilarious.  She also got her front 2 teeth for Christmas!  Her little toothy smile is so cute!

Right after Christmas, we decided to try feeding her baby food.  I don't remember it being this hard with the other kids.  It didn't go so well.  She kept gagging on it, and ended up just screaming and wanting a bottle.  So, I have given up.  We'll try again in a few weeks I guess.

This picture was when she was 3 months old.  It's my favorite picture of her so far!
Just to compare, this is a picture of Ashlyn when she was about 3 months old.  
Don't you think they look alike?