Background 575

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It's Official!

Johnathan just got sworn in as a Firefighter/Paramedic! It was so neat to go see him on his special night and know that he LOVES his job and that we FINALLY made it here!

Being sworn in

Me pinning on his badge and trying to not stick him

Johnathan with his parents


  1. Congratulations Jonathan! Dreams really come true. That is so exciting you guys have been waiting such a long time for this. Good job with the persistence.

    -The John and Paige Wilson people

  2. Yeah!! We are so excited for your family! You will be great Jonathan!

  3. YAY!!!! I'm so excited for you guys. I know you've waited for this for a long time.

  4. Congrats to your whole family! What an accomplishment!
